Seminar - Noise Management: The Quest for Silence

Dirigent Acoustics d.o.o. and the Institute for Acoustics and Audio Technologies are organizing a seminar with international participation "Noise management: the search for silence", which will be held on Thursday, May 11th, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., in the conference hall - Science technology park Belgrade

The aim of the Seminar is to comprehensively point out the need for better recognition and understanding of noise as a risk factor in the environment, the consequences of its negative impact and to present protection measures from the practical, technical and legal side. In the second part of the seminar, the acquired experience of planning protection measures will be presented, as well as the importance of strategic analysis of problems and proposed solutions. Participants will learn about the basic tools used to measure, analyze and calculate noise. At the very end, the participants will get acquainted with some of the numerous innovative solutions in this field developed by the organizers and participants of this seminar.

In Serbia, noise is relatively poorly perceived as a significant factor that endangers the environment and people's health. The negative impact of noise on business, tourism, education, and consequently on the economy is not clearly quantified. Therefore, even the existing solutions do not have a systematic and sustainable approach. The seminar combines several aspects and, in addition to raising the level of awareness about the impact of noise, guides the participants through examples from practice, opening a new world of solutions to this problem and effective application of regulations.

Eminent experts from the country and abroad will talk about the problem of noise and how noise affects the community, economy and general progress, about the possibilities and legal regulations for noise management. He will also talk about the implementation and experiences in the application of EU regulations and the most important domestic and European strategic projects. Opportunities for financing projects at a strategic level will also be analyzed.

A practical demonstration of advanced and innovative noise measurement methods and noise protection solutions will be organized within the Seminar. The seminar will be attended by representatives of Ministries, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, the Tourist Organization of Serbia, the Chamber of Engineers of Serbia, local governments, educational institutions, donor funds for environmental protection, business, domestic and foreign experts, numerous other dignitaries and the media.

Application method: Confirmation of arrival by May 8th, 2023 via the following e-mail address:

Agenda of events.






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