Psychotherapists from Niš developing a unique application that will make psychological help and support available

In order to make the necessary psychological help and support available to citizens, at any time and in any place, a team of a ten psychotherapists from Niš designed an application that will help overcome depression, anxiety and fears, as well as obsessive-compulsive, panic and other disorders.

Instead of face-to-face therapy, everyone who needs some kind of psychotherapeutic help will be able to seek it through an application that will work with the help of artificial intelligence.

The app could offer reliable self-help techniques, but also educate about emotions and mental states, so users can better work on themselves.

The application should be completed by next year and will contain breathing exercises, quizzes and even a diary. In addition to the technique itself, there is artificial intelligence that provides new information, which is constantly changing and "tailoring" according to the disorder, that is, the individual. The innovation lies in the fact that the techniques themselves are processed in more detail, so they are much more similar to what can be obtained in individual work.

The idea is also for the application to be a kind of self-help, not to replace psychotherapy.

Source: Ekapija 



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