Online hackathon - Serbia hacking Corona

"Serbia Hack Corona" is an online hackathon that wants to bring together healthcare professionals, developers, makers and consultants to develop pooled knowledge and tools to help healthcare professionals.

As the action of 3D printing visors for healthcare professionals has shown the strength of community, the organizers of this hackathon want to go one step further.

The idea is to compile a list of products that are potentially relevant to healthcare professionals at this time. That is why they invite everyone, especially experts in the relevant fields of health and engineering, to submit their ideas on the aforementioned page.

You can also vote on the following page for the solutions link by Thursday evening, after which groups will be formed within which the proposed solutions will be developed and developed. It is possible to participate in multiple groups, and the organizers are clear about all the challenges of mask and respirator, but believe that the community can bring together a sufficient number of qualified, professional and smart people who can produce some practical ideas.


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