List of approved projects through the Program is a proof of the concept of the Fund for Innovation Activity

The Fund for Innovation Activity supported 67 projects of researchers with 153 million dinars within the program Proof of Concept. Researchers from 32 different scientific research organizations will work on the development of ideas in the next year in order to prove that the research will create a new product that is needed on the market. In addition to financial support of up to 2,400,000 dinars per project, business support is also available to researchers in order to create a market-oriented product, commercialization strategy and business model as efficiently as possible.

253 projects were applied for the public call, and the largest number of approved applications is from the field of natural sciences, food and agricultural fields, then information and communication technologies and nanomaterials.
International reviewers rated the submitted projects according to criteria that include the strength of the research team, the innovation and feasibility of the proposed concept, the usefulness and potential for commercialization of the product under development and the feasibility of the implementation plan.

List of approved projects.

Funds for the implementation of the first public call were provided from the budget of the Government of the Republic of Serbia from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, and through the "Competitiveness and Employment Improvement Project" (loan agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the World Bank).


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