The Report on the European innovation index for 2020 - European Innovation Scoreboard 2020

The European Commission has published the European Innovation Scoreboard 2020. The report concludes that the European Union has overtaken the United States for the second year in a row, but additional efforts are needed to catch up with innovative leaders such as South Korea, Australia and Japan.

Other conclusions within this report are:

  • This year's report was marked by the fact that the United Kingdom left the European Union, which did not have a great impact on the overall performance of innovations.
  • Sweden is still the innovation leader within the European Union, while the other countries at the top are: Finland, Denmark and the Netherlands.
  • Luxembourg moved into the category of innovative leaders, while Portugal moved into the group of strong innovators.
  • On average, innovation performance in the European Union has increased by 8.9% since 2012.
  • In selected areas of innovation, the EU leaders are: Sweden– human resources; Luxembourg – attractive research systems; intellectual assets; Denmark – innovation-friendly environment; finance and support; Germany– firm investment; Portugal –innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises; Austria – linkages and collaboration; Ireland– employment impacts and sales impacts.

When it comes to Serbia, progress has been made and it still falls into the category of moderate innovators, next to Turkey. Serbia has achieved high marks when it comes to the categories: companies that provide ICT training, SMEs in-house innovations, costs that do not belong to research and development and SMEs that have innovative products or processes.

You can read the full text of the report at the following link


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