IDEAS: Extended deadline for submitting project proposals

The deadline for submitting Project Proposals under the Public Call of the Science Fund within the IDEAS program is extended by 60 days compared to the previous deadline set for submitting Project Proposals, ie by October 7, 2020, by 3 p.m. Central European Time.

Bearing in mind that the difficult health situation on the territory of the Republic of Serbia caused by the epidemic of infectious disease COVID-19 caused great difficulties in the preparation of project proposals, as well as difficult implementation of all elements of the Public Call and IDEA Program that cannot be completed within the deadlines, for Science extends the deadline for submitting project proposals within the Ideas Program.

We thank all the researchers who also commented on this issue through our survey. 3546 researchers participated in the survey, 53.6% stated that they want the deadline to be extended until 01.10.2020. year, 19.5% for 15.09.2020, 12.8% to remain the same deadline (07.08.2020), 11.6% for 01.09.2020, and other researchers have proposed different dates after October 2020.


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