Reform in the field of science, adoption of the Law on Science and Research ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 49/2019) and the Law on the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 95/18), as well as the Decree on norms and According to the standards of distribution of funds to accredited scientific research organizations ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 90/19), a system of combined financing of science, ie institutional / project financing, has been established.

These regulations establish the basis for regular combined funding of scientific research work of all researchers employed in accredited scientific research organizations (NIO), depending on whether they are engaged in scientific research through funding under the annual NIO Work Plan, or are engaged in projects of the Science Fund. Republic of Serbia.

Therefore, all researchers employed in an accredited NIO, which are financed from the Nuku Fund during the project, after the end of the project, are allowed to continue funding in the NIO, in accordance with the relevant contract / annex to the employment contract. The NIO, whose founder is the state, is obliged to submit a notification to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development that researchers are involved in the Fund's projects (stating the engagement period), with the obligation to submit a request for their financing in time after the project expires.


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