Coronavirus Innovation Map established - an opportunity to promote innovative solutions from Serbia to combat COVID-19

StartupBlink, together with the Health Innovation Exchange, a UNAIDS initiative to redirect the potential for the development of innovations that contribute to improving health, and the Moscow Agency of Innovations have created an online Coronavirus Innovation Map. This platform contains hundreds of innovative solutions that can contribute to the fight against the COVID-19 virus.

The organizers of this platform were guided by the idea that the public and private sectors have the opportunity to obtain information from available solutions with regard to the location and type of innovation (from vaccines, prevention, diagnostics, treatment, business models, etc.)

Within this project, a report (COVID-19 Innovation Report) was made, which contains a ranking of 80 cities and 32 countries that have contributed the most to the development of innovations in the fight against the COVID-19 virus.

More information about the map, as well as the conditions for registration on this platform can be found at the following link


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