Novi Sad scientists have found a cure for drought - salvation for agricultural producers throughout Serbia

Every year, a certain part of the genus is de-drought, and fertile fields, instead of bringing profit to producers, are only a source of trouble. However, a team of scientists from Novi Sad in 2014 in the field of chemistry and biochemistry began testing a concentrate that prevents drought. In the past period, various tests were performed on certain crops, and certain results were achieved for certain crops.

However, a team of scientists from Novi Sad in 2014 in the field of chemistry and biochemistry began testing a concentrate that prevents drought. In the past period, various tests were performed on certain crops, and certain results were achieved for certain crops, RINA reports.

"The need for water increases during the time of intensive vegetation - growth, of every plant. For example, in the case of corn, before brooming and silking during fertilization and in the pouring of grain, the plant needs moisture in order to develop normally. When the soil moisture drops below 10% of the maximum water capacity, the plant stops growing. It is necessary to achieve constant activity of the plant from the leaves of the tree and the root system, because the work of microorganisms that decompose organic matter is important in the soil. Foliar fertilization aims to get macro and micro elements in full vegetation. In this stage of the plant, our anti-drought preparation comes to the fore ", said Mato Zubac, one of the bearers of this project.

This preparation provides a higher yield in the dry period, depending on how dry the year is. If we freely interpret this when the year is rainy, then the yields are much lower, ie slightly higher than the yield of untreated crops. That is, this preparation works so that the yields of corn per hectare in the dry period are identical to the corn in the wet period.

"In many years of analysis and testing, this product allows it to attract moisture from a height of ~ 10m per 1ha, it has more than 2000l of water available every day, or 5l of water per 1m2. This allows moisture to be brought to the leaf, the tree to the root system. This means that the plant evolves or develops from a lower to a higher level, and can use nutrients even though the soil is dry, air humidity ~ 50% and temperatures above 30c ° ", says Zubac.

Many world scientists believe that this is a serious discovery, and that it will solve many problems when it comes to drought. An international jury in India, Morocco, Turkey, Moldova, Romania, Portugal has awarded prestigious prizes for an invention that solves the problem of drought in the world.


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