Serbia and China signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of space technologies

Minister of Innovation and Technological Development Nenad Popovic and President of the Chinese National Space Administration Kedjan Zhang signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of innovation in research and use of space for peaceful purposes during a video conference on Friday.

Minister Popović expressed satisfaction with the signing of the Memorandum, which, according to him, will have a high use value for the state, science and universities, but also for the economy and citizens in the Republic of Serbia.

The memorandum stipulates that Serbia and China develop bilateral cooperation in the field of development and use of space technologies, satellite systems and space observation systems from space with applications in the fields of smart agriculture, telecommunications, ecosystems, remote sensing systems and geolocation positioning.

The Chinese partners sent an invitation to the delegation of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and Serbian scientists to visit the Chinese Space Agency and the centers for the development of space technologies.

The president of the Chinese National Space Administration, Kedjan Zhang, pointed out that Serbia is an old friend of China.

"The signing of the memorandum is in the common interest of both countries and represents a step forward in promoting bilateral cooperation in the field of space technologies. "I hope that this area will occupy an important place in the plan of economic cooperation between China and Serbia for the benefit of our citizens in the future," Zhang said.

He pointed out that Serbia has excellent engineers and expressed the expectation that as many Serbian scientists as possible will be involved in joint projects between China and Serbia in this field.

The memorandum stipulates that Serbia and China develop bilateral cooperation in research, development and application of space technologies, including joint construction of satellite data stations, development of satellite systems and services with the provision of launch, exchange and application of satellite data for innovative services and science development. about the country, observations, climate change and the environment and more.


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