PATENTSCOPE WIPO COVID-19 Patent Document Collection

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has launched a new search functionality in the PATENTSCOPE global patent database to facilitate the retrieval of information contained in published patent documents that may be of benefit to innovators developing new technologies to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

PATENTSCOPE WIPO COVID-19 can provide easily accessible information for scientists, engineers, public health creators, industry and the general public to improve the detection, prevention and treatment of diseases such as the new coronavirus. The PATENTSCOPE database contains over 83 million patent documents and provides comprehensive search for patent information with multilingual search capabilities and an automatic translation system using artificial intelligence technologies. Through the new functionality, PATENTSCOPE WIPO COVID-19, collections of patent documents are made available on the basis of dozens of inquiries within the identified technical areas important for the detection, prevention and treatment of COVID-19. The areas in which the documents are classified are: personal protective equipment, diagnostics, medical facilities and transport, respirators, medical preparations, bioniformatic and information technology in healthcare, and others.

More about the new functionality on the WIPO site - PATENTSCOPE WIPO COVID-19

See also the WIPO GREEN database of green, sustainable technologies.


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