Corten Art Innovation - Disinfection Tunnels

Corten Art has developed a disinfection tunnel that is lightweight stainless steel construction and is equipped with atomizers (nozzles) that disperse the disinfectant into micro droplets.

Researchers found that coronaviruses can be neutralized within one minute if the surfaces are disinfected with 62-71 percent alcohol, 0.5% hydrogen peroxide, or home bleach containing 0.1% sodium hypochlorite.

In order to protect and counteract the effect of the covid-19 pandemic, it is necessary to disinfect contaminated surfaces that are in direct contact with the potentially diseased.

Disinfection of contaminated outdoor areas, especially in large cities, is expensive and requires a large number of workers and machinery to be engaged in the process.

- The system has many advantages, highlighting a drastic reduction in water and disinfectant consumption, as much as 15 times compared to a traditional disinfection system. Atomizers guarantee a uniform distribution of the disinfectant on the surface to be treated, while minimizing moisture ingress into clothing and footwear. After going through the disinfecting runel or cabin, the user is sure that the potential contamination with the virus has been eliminated and that he can safely continue his activities - said one of the company's owners, Bojan Lolic.

With the help of a subcontractor, 500 tunnels per month could be produced

This company has received support from the Innovation Fund for its project

The first disinfection tunnels are expected at the end of the first week of April. In addition to the production itself, it is necessary to prepare supporting documentation in order to complete the certification of the product as soon as possible. According to Lolic, it is necessary for the product to be safely marketed.


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